“The illiterates of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”- Alvin Toffler , Future Shock
Education is not a one-way system where information is passed on to another person but rather a highly complex process where one needs to react and respond to raw information and eventually convert this into knowledge. More importantly, this is not a process that ends but rather something that we need to continue doing so over the course of our careers. Learning is difficult, but what is much more difficult is unlearning things. As world is changing at a very fast pace & we need to adopt new techniques & skills to survive in the market place. Flexibility to adopt & implement new skills & techniques is the only way to succeed in this world, we can’t be rigid. We should be open to change & change can only happen when you change your mind set - You need to learn, how to Unlearn. Unlearning is tough, for example I can’t think of unlearning my name and surname or unlearning to walk. Unlearning can be a one-shot deal or a daily practice. It can help you become open to new skills, experiences, behaviors, and knowledge. In order to pick up a new skill, even if it's similar to something you already can do, learn what makes it different. All of us repeat things that worked in the past, even when they don't apply to the now. Repeating isn't always a bad strategy, but when there is a significant difference, the old approach holds you back. Unlearning doesn't require you to toss out all your accumulated experiences; it just asks that you stay open to different ways of getting things done. Once you learn, how to unlearn - World is all yours. Start Learning or better Re- Learn.
Education is not a one-way system where information is passed on to another person but rather a highly complex process where one needs to react and respond to raw information and eventually convert this into knowledge. More importantly, this is not a process that ends but rather something that we need to continue doing so over the course of our careers. Learning is difficult, but what is much more difficult is unlearning things. As world is changing at a very fast pace & we need to adopt new techniques & skills to survive in the market place. Flexibility to adopt & implement new skills & techniques is the only way to succeed in this world, we can’t be rigid. We should be open to change & change can only happen when you change your mind set - You need to learn, how to Unlearn. Unlearning is tough, for example I can’t think of unlearning my name and surname or unlearning to walk. Unlearning can be a one-shot deal or a daily practice. It can help you become open to new skills, experiences, behaviors, and knowledge. In order to pick up a new skill, even if it's similar to something you already can do, learn what makes it different. All of us repeat things that worked in the past, even when they don't apply to the now. Repeating isn't always a bad strategy, but when there is a significant difference, the old approach holds you back. Unlearning doesn't require you to toss out all your accumulated experiences; it just asks that you stay open to different ways of getting things done. Once you learn, how to unlearn - World is all yours. Start Learning or better Re- Learn.
1 comment:
Really nice insight about what all of us need to learn or better unlearn. Kudos to you.
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